. >> here is a guy that keeps roaming around dave reagan. welcome back.applause] >> it was the first time he was back since he left in 2010. as david was greeted with hugs, he remembered what took place in this church. >> it was amazing gives me goose bumps right now. never, ever expected that type of affirmation. but i luck the out i guess, to be in such a loving community. >> united church of christ. we are the miracle on south capital center. [applause] >> located in washington, d.c., covenant baptist united church of christ is a model of in clue sift. its casual sunday, a look around the sanctuary reveals the stunning difference since this church began as an all white southern baptist congregation. >> the church was a thriving church up until after the 1954 supreme court decision to segregate as a school. >> with -- two choices sell the building and move or hire a black pastor. the decision to stay would be complicated. because congregation had dwindles, there was no money to pay a pastor until reverend wesley wiley stepped up. >> my father was able t