. >> i'm dave scholfield. on the east face of the excavation there is an interesting profile here that has evidence of campfires. all of these reddish stains here, you would also see bits of charcoal and ash. that indicates were campfires were build. in that roughly six foot profile there are literally nows of years of campfires represented. in that fire pit, that was what i like to refer to as the tweet shot of the collapse of the new roof fall. when that collapsed, it changed the dynamics in the site. so subsequent activity took place, but for thousands of years that was the center of activity here at the site. there is another fire pit location here. in the center of this fire pit, right there, is a fresh water mollusk. it would have been in the ohio river, requiring a deeper and faster river, and that is where that was uncovered in the center of that fire pit. so roughly 4,000 years ago that mollusk was presumably eaten here, and the remainer left in the fire pit. further to the east, right here, is a rib