dave stockton, the former budget director gets up and makes a presentation, which was an attempt to backed reagan into a corner, and had been rehearsed quite a bit before that. reagan comes in, and as was pointed out by jim and others he was always extremely respectful to people. came in, sat down, welcome everybody to the meeting. there were only probably 10 people in this room, and he listened to the presentation, everybody was expecting him to make a decision. at the end he smiled after the presentation, i'll never forget, took his jar of jelly beans which was always sitting on a cabinet room table and passed them around and said everybody have a jelly bean. and he smiled, and then he said, i'll take this under consideration. and he got up and walked out of the room. and i'll remember the stunned look on some people states as saying, he didn't make this decision. we set this up for him to make a decision. of court he had already made his decision with these four principles. and so nothing changed, but that in many ways that was internally how things are governed because his principles e