host: dave swenson, in a speech to the issue at all of farm subsidies? -- can you speak to the issue? guest: all farm producers, kan., iowa, texas, corn, wheat, soy, they have all been beneficiaries is directly, but especially over the last 15 years, of a very beneficial subsidies to the agricultural sector. they were designed early on to be stabilizing subsidies by the usda and congress has wrestled with exactly what the right amount of subsidies should be applied to achieve a specific goal. the farmers have changed the nature of the subsidies and they promised to lessen them over time as well moving away from a direct subsidy on a per acre or per commodity basis to more of an indirect subsidy. for example, using a combination of federal subsidies and market mechanisms, like crop insurance, and other types of stabilizing mechanisms to maintain farm income. it is generally agreed, yes, we do have a disproportionate share of agricultural subsidies because we do produce a disproportionate share of agricultural product. i would not pass the laws, but they a