dave wineberg wents from a growing shared space company called we work.e says it offers him all of the perks with none of the risks. >> it allows you to shift around as you need. and all of the corporate aspects that help the foundation of a company are still in place, your printers, your internet, having alone. >> not everyone is so excited. in 2010, europe passed a law that made it illegal to rent out a home for more than a month. 60% of air b&b rentals in the big apple are illegal. so do the short-term gains outweigh the long-term risks? we have a great lineup of guests joining us today. out of new york city, the profess of information and operations systemsfounder of changes, a research lab that tracks cultural, sxhik and ecological trends. and east feastly, a service that allows anyone to cook and serve food to any location for a fee. so did these begin with the creation of craigslist and' bay? >> in a certain way, yes. it's a natural follow up to ebay and craigslist. but these services take a lot more trust. it takes a lot more to be able to get int