earlier this year i sat down with pastor davewho former clients accuse of being a con or scam... it's simply letting them know who i am." pastor dave has been sued multiple times by wisconsin homeowners "as some of the people in your story describe it sounds like this person could sell air conditioners to eskimos."but wisconsin attorney general brad schimel says suing in civil court is not the best option."it's not a simple answer to say well these people have a civil remedy because but from a practical standpoint they really won't get anything."and pastor dave's victims found that out the hard way they still haven't seen a dime of the money he was ordered to pay back."do they have any other options?""well the option is that i hope we can bolster the ranks of da offices so we can address these things."schimel says prosectors are slammed with cases many involving violent crimes so property crimes could get lost in the shuffle.that's one of the reasons he's pushing so hard the state. ..to help protect the every day person. "unfortunately often times it's people who are ripped off i