. >> david asman, on fox, now. >> only 115,000 new jobs in april, a whole lot weaker than what was expected, and not nearly enough to keep up with population growth. some at forbes blame it on the ticking tax bomb, that is spooking job creators, less than 7 months, dozens of tax cuts set to expire, is that threatening a jobs recovery? hi, i'm david asman, welcome to forks forbes on fox, and michael, victoria, elizabeth and john, and rick runninger. michael. >> the potential for tax increases is killing the economy and we saw it in the manufacturer's survey and the index came in lower than a year ago and two years ago and seeing it in stock prices, based on forward earnings are cheaper than a year ago. that should not be what is happening in a recovery. >> and, rick, this is what is spooking the job creators, the private sector. why they are not hiring. >> see, i would say sometimes worrying can be a very good thing. look, we have a unique opportunity coming in the lame duck session, that will come around after the election. and my sources tell me the pressure of the bush tax cuts -- and whe