just like david bartman who you just talked about or jot plummer, newt gingrich or michele bachmann.k, this is exhibit a for what the republican party's morphed into. they can't run away from it, ed. as democrats, what democrats should be doing is using her, morphing her into every gop candidate out there. the real story on christine o'donnell is not that she believes that rats have human brains. the story is not that she believes that she wanted to be a witch sometimes. it's not even it's not even that she says that she doesn't want to eat meat -- she doesn't want to be vegan because she likes meatballs, the story is that she is the face of the tea bag party and the leadership is happy about that. as we speak you have karl rove traveling all over the globe on behalf of the chambish of commerce, who is raising money in places like saudi arabia, libya, china, russia, to raise money for candidates like christine o'donnell. you might remember, he came out at first and said she's an aberration, well, no she's not an aberration, she is mainstream, mainstream. in her new ad, she tells she'