immigration, first of all, there's a great podcast called macro musings with david beck worth a sizableork come listen to that because that can help us. first of all emigration is chaotic right now but we do have growth rate can we don't replace our people with -- our birth rate is way too low. we actually need immigration to make this a bigger, stronger place. and so you can listen to people like kerkorian for want of maybe 200 think people in america, but we would be just fine with 350, 360 people in america. that would make us better. so if you're talking about growth that's where you get it and that those people you get them on a pathway to citizenship, a green card come they start paying into the system. that's how you solve that problem. for some reason people on the right, you will talk about people in the left that are extreme, as are, but there's a lot of extreme lockers on the right, to get you got these american first, these know nothing people and that's going nowhere. secondly, inflation. trump printed money, to. >> host: you know what, martin? there's a lot there to play w