now he's teamed with david bender, a founding contributing editor for george magazine, to write stand and be counted: making music, making history. welcome, gentlemen. it's a book about courageous musicians and courageous music, and at a time when i read on the front page of the new york times that record companies are routinely self-censoring themselves to enhance marketability of music, why this project, why the book, and why the television show now? well, to pick one of your words, courage. we are both very taken with human courage. our heroes have been people who had the guts to stick up for what they believed in, and we saw that there had been no one looking at music being used to gather people in a cause as a phenomenon. the two biggest events in the last 50 years in american history were civil rights movement and the vietnam war. civil rights movement was all activism. all. vietnam war-- strongly affected by it, strongly affected the outcome, strongly affected the length of that war. we know that now. we looked at this, and we said, "jeez, you know, nobody's looking at it as wh