we spoke to david berra, he's the world health organization, special envoy and cobit about how to try and manage the risk of the virus as it stands at the moment. we call it be 100 percent. certain vaccines that we have at the moment will protect us against all possible versions of this virus. so therefore, we should be accepting the vaccines will reduce our risk of getting covered quite nicely, actually box. they're not going to guarantee. and therefore, what we're saying is use vaccines as part of your control. but also, why not just keep going with the physical distances, the one me to rule? why not keep going with ma squaring? why not keep going with really good hygiene? why not keep going with isolation when you're sick? why not keep going with protecting elderly people and those who got other diseases potentially with the back scenes because they are really good protected if there is the perception conveyed to the population of any country that basically we're all going to say we're going to break the 3 break free, and we're not going to be trouble by the far s and there's no tu