newspapers, todd harrison of the center for straw teenage you can and budgetary assessments, david betterbasketball, better and jim of the heritage foundation. the pentagon has been spending the last many months working on what the new strategy is going to be for the united states, that are going to shape the cuts that are coming down the pike. what is that going to start? >> we've talked about the pivot, for example 72 it doesn't matter because the enemies can add and they can say any straight fee is robbing peter to pay paul, then just look okay for the weak spot. >> that's it? >> yes. >> there's really two elements to it. one is whether you actually do over the next year, as running up to the campaign that makes if look like you're thinking about strategic changes, east asia, abandoning europe, moving people back or threatening to move people back. the real question is, what is the longer term strategy to build a budget to, assume, get around to do that. >> that is one of things you specialize in? >> and i fully expect that we'll see the strategy that comes out in the comprehensive straw teenage