shortly thereafter, holland was summoned into a meeting with university president david boren and oil baron harold hamm. hamm questioned him about his research. >> it was expressed to me that i have the academic freedom to do what i want. but academic freedom and the freedom to say whatever, whenever, and to whoever i want. those are two different things. >> harold hamm is one of the single largest donors to the university, having contributed over $30 million. >> president boren sits on the board of hamm's oil company, continental resources. in the meeting, hamm expressed his concerns about how talk of man-made earthquakes could look bad for the industry. >> he basically said you have to watch how you say things. >> do you think it's appropriate that harold hamm is tellin' you that you need to be careful how you say things? >> well, there are a lot of people that were tellin' me i need to be careful how i say things. >> hamm declined our request for comment. it wasn't the only time holland faced pressure. in february 2014, a university dean, larry grillot, who has never worked for the