you're in the presence of one in david borin, such an extraordinary leader that way. and there are 3,000 american universities today, and most of them are in the hands of very good leaders. we see good leaders in government. one of my privileges is to -- talk to the first classmen at west point, which i've done these last two years. and the leadership of these young men and of the general officers of the u.s. army are extraordinary today. and we find that everywhere in this country, except recently on pennsylvania avenue. and i wonder what the future holds for us. and much of it, i think, it was said by thomas jefferson that his toughest job of his presidential office was appointing other people to office. and that's now our job. we have the job of appointing other people to that presidential office. and whom will we choose? i'm a centrist, and i'm not happy about my choices. as i think many americans feel on both sides. and somehow, as the arnold brothers said, we have to educate our masters. we have to find a way of reminding people of the leadership traditions that