you have a group called take back the republic, a group started by the guy who helped david bratt beat eric cantor in the upset in the last primary season, and that group is focused on recruiting republicans to the cause of changing the way elections are funded. in the end republicans and democrats - if the base hate the system that we have. >> it's an issue that you see a consensus on between the two parties. i wonder who you will support for president. who is talking about this issue, and laying out a plan to address some of the problems. >> on the democratic side, every one of the three candidates checked the right boxes, they center not addressed how to solve the problem they have identified. they've not made it clear to the american people that we have to address this issue first. you are talking about taking on wall street or raising the minimum raise or raising taxes to support social security. you cannot begin to address those issues until you address the corruption first. what i'm looking for as i watch the debates unfold is someone to acknowledge that we need to rally america