let's take a step back, as david broder said, a liberal columnist, and one of the most respected in the country, and take a look at this and make sure we do it right. >> i'm not sure that i would accept the characterization of david broder as a, quote, liberal columnist, i think he's just a really fine reporter down the middle. but let's take it from there. where would you raise the money? let's take senator grass hawale estimate that there's a $200 billion hole in this proposal right now. how would you raise that money? >> i believe if you need to raise money, and my view is that with all this money we have in our health care system, we spend 17% of our gross national product on health care, we probably don't need to raise a lot of more money, we just need to spend the money we have more effect live. so if you're going to raise money, raise it from within the health care arena. so i would limit the deductibility of high-end premium and insurance plans so people working in a restaurant in new hampshire aren't underwriting an insurance plan that may cost $17,000, $18,000, $0,000, which h