sat with a headset on and took the dictation of reporters calling in their stories, including david broder's story from dallas. you have to talk about that. i remember it indelibly. i mean, david dictated: "two priests walked out of dallas memorial parkland hospital at 2:34 p.m. today and announced, the president is dead." you had to be trembling. i was. and i misspelled hospital my hands were shaking so much. an entire generation-- and then i went up to capitol hill to try and find-- they sent me up to capitol hill to try and find speaker mccormick, who, of course, was the next in line. and he was down under some desk, hiding, you know? they didn't know if it was a conspiracy. they didn't know-- and there are truly moments in a newsroom where you feel like you are the center of the universe or whatever's happening in it. and it's a very special feeling. there's a generation that-- i suppose all the president's men-- and decided that this was a pretty glamorous profession. but in 1960, there were other journalists depicted in other ways. i mean, humphrey bogart in deadline u.s.a. did you hav