busy the north, this is david burke, goliath, the cuban people have always put forth their best generals to fight back against imperialism. and here with all the red baiting against black lives matter against bernie sanders against anyone. my gentlemen, i'm going to just going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on cuba. stay with r t the, the the, they cannot, they are to say there's no petitions or underwear food. can you been there to say that to people? oh, we have to reduce the consumption. this is why. so far, the consumption issue did not was not taken up pretty seriously. so or but it's a very serious issue. so we cannot address the climate change issue unless the people are on the word realize that we cannot continue our over consumption as we are doing now. the i when i see black america, i seen myself and i was growing up like america spoke to me. when what a straight year did not you said like, my son is a movement, we are importing from america. no, nothing isn't we. i lived in a world where i lived,