we know that he, david burnheart took a secret meeting at the montana huns lodting lodge with arizona diamondbacks. i say this was a secret meeting because david byrnehardt is the number two official in this agency. it's subject to requests under the freedom of information act. this particular meeting, though, when he meet the diamondbacks' owner at this hunting lodge, that was left off his official calender. nevertheless, thank you, journalism. it was turned up that that meeting took place. the company run by the diamondbacks' owner ultimately confirmed that, yes, the meeting happened. they have also admitted that what they talked about at that meeting was, of course, that big housing development and golf course development that this guy wanted to build in benson, arizona. the one where he had just been told right before the election that it wasn't going to happen. that more environmental work needed to be done before he could get the permit to go ahead because the scientists in the federal government looked at it and said, you know, there really might not be enough water there to do