relationships like burr's with theo are a rich source for historians, but only when the individuals in the relationship are far apart. i'll bet that many of you in this room read david mccullough's biography of john adams. and you'll know that mccullough's secret weapon in that book was abigail adams. in fact, i was at a conference or a meeting or something where somebody asked david mccullough, well, now you've written about john adams, are you going to write about abigail adams? and he said, i already do. and, in fact, sort of what i did with eleanor roosevelt and franklin roosevelt. it's really a dual biography of the two. but one of the interesting things, the curious things about that particular book is that the best parts of the book, the parts in particular that reveal the relationship, wonderful relationship, provocative relationship between john and abigail adams, they occur when they are far apart. it's a wonderful love story, it's a wonderful story of a marriage, but it only works because they were apart for a very large part of the marriage. when they were together, they simply spoke. and what they said to each other over the dinner table at night no one