city attorney david chu for his righteous fight to secure the local funding obligated to our city. >>is there any discussion from colleagues seeing none since we took public comment on this at committee we don't need to do that again and neither do we need a motion or a second. madam clerk, can we please call the roll on this item? >> hopefully we do t same house same call. i'm informed it is passed. >> thank you, madam clerk, could we please call the next item? >> item seven a final approval to accept the audit report for the fiscal year ended june 30th 2024. >> this is an action item. thank you, madam clerk. >> colleagues, i don't know if there's any discussion or questions about this item from colleagues seeing none since we took public comment on this at committee. we don't need to do that again neither do we need a motion or second and i believe we can take this without objection. same house, same call is passed on. >> clerk can you please call the next item item eight introduction of new items this is an information item. thank you, madam clerk. i don't see anyone on the roster