you are part of the idea of web journalism. , david coera klein going to yahoo!.gue going to yahoo!. give me a sense of what it is about and what impact it will have on the connoisseur, th c consumer, as well as what impact have on mainstream media? >> let me start. we both have thoughts on this. the web itself. eli do not believe that friendss inevitably dead or that every traditional broadcast outlet is necessarily dead. but the web is an anonymously dynamicnd important place p for journalism that is winning right now. that is one these things. that is amon factor in mo of these things. it is with first and web centric. there isecond thing th has to do with a combination of n journalism and on inertia. -- entrepreneurship. nate silver, or us, these are aople who puilt brands may have the opportunity to raise money for to get rtners who will fund their efrts and let them go off and do what they want. they do not need tootd be in a bigger structure. >> you do not mean this appliest to every dy? you can go from one big place to another big plays. >> i do not know w