and of course, the fourth option would be the international criminal court. >> david crain thank you your time and for bringing this horror to light. >> it's good talking to you and your listeners. >>> for another perspective i'm joined by a senior advisor to the syrian opposition. it's good to have you back on the show. i want to start with this terrible report and all of these pictures, allegedly showing massive torture and killings by the assad go of detainees. as an advisor, you have said that the timing of this report may help the opposition in these talks in geneva? >> absolutely. this report is direct evidence of what we in the syrian revolution have been trying to tell the whole word for the last three years. they thatry responsible for genocide, for the worst war crimes in our generation, and it is time for the international community to rally and support our efforts to transition syria to a democracy without assad. so especially at this crucial time when the syrian opposition has clearly voiced its support to a political process to transition to a syria with a government th