some of the gentlemen on stage, some of the rockers, you know, david crosby and, i don't want to out everybody to some people don't want to talk about it, but, you know, myself, gregg, we were all out there in favor of this, this dreaded disease, but we are out there, you know, giving our best. and it was really an amazing concert. not only because the night was amazing, but because of the response afterwards, and the next 24-48 hours. it amazing. it's really something what the power of celebrity can do, not just because you're a celebrity, but because you've been there. that's the difference, and that's what i am able to stand up in front of you today. because i don't think i would have the passion. i don't think i would have taken the time to have the knowledge if i hadn't experienced it myself to you really would have company, you don't have to go through this, but there's something about having been there that makes it just that much more important. i was just really very concerned about, someone asked me in an interview this morning about the lawmakers, are you going to talk to