think the public option contributes but it is not by any stretch the single most important factor david culter has worked on health care for years, including helping the clinton white house efforts 15 years ago. and the most recent senate proposal does not include a public option. instead, it expands medicaid with the goal of rooting out waste and fraud. however, some worry that if any government plan forces doctors to accept less money than it costs them to provide the care, it will continue to shift costs to the insured. if a public plan works the same way in reducing costs by cutting what providers are getting below their costs, its only going to....the problem we current exists with huge cost shifting back to employers so instead of paying 100 percent of a fee they're paying 150 percent of a service because the providers are not getting paid enough. tomorrow on first business, as the latest reform legislation takes shape...a look at spending health care dollars more efficiently. is been nearly impossible for the bears to put to read days together in a role in september that's been the case