. >> joining me now is david cummings, host and producer of the no sleep podcast. o join in sometime and creep folks out i would love to do that. >> we would love to have you, yasmin. that seems to be the horror voice. >> why do you think it is that kind of these horror story podcasts took off during this pandemic? because they did. people wanted to listen to more of these morbid story telling horror making podcasts in a time in which we were going through our own horror at home. >> it's true. that's one thing that we found and we found even before covid that there's something about horror fiction and especially audio horror fiction that seems to be a great distraction for people. so when you're surrounded by horrifying things and a life and death pandemic that you see all around you and hear the dire news out there, to be able to turn on a podcast where people experience fictional things, ghost stories or a demon after you is a step removed from the real horror and quite cathartic for people. >> this started from a sub reddit and blew up from there. i know that you