david damien wilson, things that british health services, unable to make rational decisions on transgender issues, due to intense social pressure. i think the people who with their own tremendous pressure, the trends lobbies, hugely powerful, being called transfer because, you know, seen by many is an unbearable social slow people to troll with j. k. rowling. look at kathleen stock, the the university of sussex professor who is just being held out of her job. and this is just an incredible social disease that's, that's really going through the particular academia and the medical world at the moment in america that, that's not unusual to have children under the age of 10. going through this through agenda counseling. what a kid turns up at the, at the, the clinic and says he wants to be a dog. what do i do? fading biscuits and let him run around the yard on a horse. that's just crazy. it seems to be that the adults of less the room and any crazy idea is, is on the table. so i just think that we baby, we may just need to go off about the conversation, accept our responsibility, and don't let