and robert duvall it is directed by david dobkin. >> if you just start talking and listening, and nothing more than that, and see where that goes, if you do that purely, then you'll be rewarded around the corner for something better and higher, if you do that on a basic level within the bigger idea is what sort of risks are you willing to take, are you a natural film acker, you know, and then the other is are you brave enough to do something that if it doesn't go well it could be ridiculed for doing something insdul ghent and graphic and dramatic, you know. >> we continue with lissan dwan, she stars in three beck ed plays at the brooklyn academy of music. not i, footballs and rocca bye. >> what i find interesting about-- is that he's really starting to shake off joist's influence. that vock you lar playfulness, and i'm less attracted to it now if i really looked at what i think is pure beckett, where he distilled and distilled and paraed away all the fat until are you left with something really potent, this real potent essence. >> robert downey, jr., robert duvall, david dobkin and lisa d