and google's chief operation often ser david drummond saying it is sensible and entirely legal and will increase access to people to information in china, and we hope that the chinese government respects our decision, but we are well aware that it could at any time block access to our services. now, looking again at how the stock reacted an hour ago as it came out, and as you said, maria, it spiked and fell by the way and baidu did the opposite, plummet and came back up. google plans to keep a r&d team in china, but it will depend upon the access that chinese users have, and they have set up a special ad to see what happens if they are blocked on the hong kong site. and it has not been updated with the news, and we will have to see, maria, what the chinese government may block if anything. >> fascinating developments, jane. >>> we are once again with rudy giuliani, talking about the issues of the day and i want to turn to new york, mr. mayor, because of course, you know the fiscal situation there better than most, and lot of people are worried when you look at new york state first. talk