bruce willis is david dunn who survived a train crash in unbreakable, and thinks he's indestructible.voy is kevin from split, he is inhabited by a hoard of different personalities, al of whom are awaiting the arrival of the beast, and samuel ljackson, he is mr glass, who is fragile on the outside, but brilliant of mind, and they are brought together in this psychiatric facility. here is a clip. miss patricia says that your bones can break if i like tap them, is that true? yes. so what's your super power? your mind? what's mine? you're nine forever, right? yeah. that's incredible. you can see the world the way it really is, always. a kid who can never grow old. huh. are you ready? yeah. the thing with shyamalan's films, is they ride, to quote spinal tap, a very thin line between clever and stupid. you can do with it or say sorry, i'm not buying this. i did buy this, and i really enjoyed it as a result. one of the things i liked about it is, there is a remake of breathless, starring richard gere, that people sneer at, and i understand why they do, but they're wrong, it is a great film.