david elliott lewis, co-chair mental health board, city and county of san francisco. one of the things our board does is program reviews and one of the programs we reviewed in the end of last year was jail psychiatric services. so, i toured the jails. i spoke to staff. i interviewed inmates in custody in both cj1, 2, 3 and 4. and i can tell you 3 and 4 needs to be replaced. it's not conducive to mental health rehabilitation. it's not conducive to any kind of recovery. so, given that this place is going to be replaced, where do we put it? do we put it in san francisco or do we put it in san bruno? it's going to go somewhere. 850 bryant has been condemned basically so where are we going to put them? if we put them in san bruno, it's really unfair to the visiting families. they talked about a half hour to 45-minute drive time. a lot of these poor families can't drive. they have to take public transportation. for them it's a half day to get to san bruno and back. that is really unfair and without these families, you deprive these incarcerated inmates of the support that t