david elliott lewis. l-e-w-i-single-family. treatment on demand. there's been so many good ideas mentioned. i want you to applaud you for doing this hearing, for passing mental health san francisco. bravo, bravo, bravo. for the methamphetamine task force, supervisor mandelman ran. and this recommendation for more sobering centers. here's an idea, proposed solution that could be part of mental health san francisco, which is to create more peer or consumer employment opportunities to do outreach. , so the s.r.o.s and to the street. i think bringing in people with lived experience with eviction to actually do outreach makes a lot more sense. or maybe those people working in conjunction with two nurses through street medicine. to bring low threshold buprenorphine to the streets. expand street medicine with more consumer, people with peer, with lived experience, paid to do street outreach, to both shut-in people in s.r.o.s, where a lot of overdoses happen, as well as to the street, where overdoses happen. it's a cost-effective solution to do it. and i t