my name is david elliott lewis. long time resident of san francisco, almost 40 years, and member of tenderloin people of congress. my understanding as part of your approval process for new projects, that project, in addition to meeting code, has to meet the most basic fundamental criteria being necessary and desirable. when i look at some of the projects under consideration and your past decisions, i question whether that necessary and desirable, really, whether a project is desirable for the neighborhood really helps. there are projects coming up in a involve, for example, really -- that involve, for example, really small units that are going to be in existence for decades, maybe 100 years, maybe much longer, and do we really want this kind of housing in our neighborhood? that's just one example of many, but i ask that you take that consideration seriously as you evaluate each new project, that how will it really serve the community in the long run, not just make the developer a short-term profit, but really make a