david fariel has done an extraordinary job as the archivist of the united states and i want to thank him on behalf of our citizens on the job you are doing in helping to preserve the documents of our country. when i first heard of the magna carta being for sale, i was surprised it was for sale and i was surprised it was the only co copy in private hands. i was afraid it would probably leave the country, and since it wasn't drafted or written here, it was an important document for years and years because it was drafted before our country came into existence, i thought it was important it be kept in the united states because, as david said, it was inspiration for declaration of independence, bill of the rights, constitution, and so many important principles that our country is founded on. so, i was fortunate enough to get it and put it on permanent loan here. and i am very pleased that people from all over the world now have a chance to see it. it is encased in an encasement that hopefully will last another 800 years or so. we will be celebrating in three years the 800th anniversary of