joining us from williamsburg virginia is david feldman, author of why does college cost so much?s also the chair of the economics department at the college of william and marry and bone holmes, at student at (accucapnt trial version) montgomery college. david, the president' plan would include two years of free community college for students who qualify. who do you think the plan is targeting? >> well, that depends on how it's actually constructed. and the details haven't been fully released. my -- what i am hearing is that this would be an entitlement program. it would not be means tested available to any student attending a community college regardless of their family income. and that's one of the reasons (accucapnt trial version) for the extra costs. although i must say that $6 billion a year is a mouse of a budget item. >> well, it might be a mouse of a budget item if, you know there is some metric that can be used that says to tax taxpayers this will pay off s there any sort of evidence based, i don't know what call it, an evidence based project of this sort where people cou