the series stars kevin spacey and robin wright and is directed by david fichblger. we will be experimenting how our programs are released likely offering whole seasons at one time. in doing so netflix can giving art lists like mr. fincher greater latitude to create compelling stories while giving our members the freedom to watch content in a way that suits their preferences. video services like netflix are leveraging the power of the internet to help consumers discover the content they will love. using religious and merchandising technology fete flix is helping to expand the reach and popularity of video content. for example, the availability of netflix of all four prior seasons of "madmen", helped drive a 20% increase in those watching this season's opening episode. by combining technology with consumer choice we were able to find an untapped audience of more than a million viewers for a show in its fifth season. this is just one example of how traditional and emerging video distribution platforms can compliment one other. all this change has led to speculation abo