. >> david filcoff. thank you for the discussion. i'm excited about this policy. i get very excited about commission policy. i may be the only one, but hey. so, i was -- >> careful with the podium. >>> yes, sorry. i'm sorry i was actually not at the cac meeting last month because it was just before a jewish holiday. but i had some quick comments on this. i'm very supportive of the proposal, but just had some minor tweaks. on page 1 of the policy itself under personnel management, it says personal costs, i believe that should probably read "personnel costs." >> i guess it's looking at whether or not the operating costs or it's just the budget in general, the overall sfpuc budget. >> you have to ask the maker of the motion. >> yeah, i'm just looking. >> if we amend it to say any budget that increases budgeted expenditures above this level, basically it's referring to a budget as a whole, not a line item in the budget. that might clarify. >> is there a time issue here that we have to pass this today, or should we take a little more time to refine the language? i just