up next, we travel to plattsburgh where retired army colonel david fitzend, author of the final invasion platsburg, the war of 1812's most decisive battle takes us on a tour of key locations to tell the story. >> we're at the clinton county museum in plattsburgh, northern new york, on lake champlain. today i got something to show you that is very rare. the militia deployed from the state of new york and there were 2500 that were asked to come to fight the british as they cross the border. but only 700 showed up. and captain martin akin, who is the son of a lieutenant colonel in the militia, he decided that he had all these weapons and no one to use them. since the arsenal for the militia was in the basement of st. john's academy, he went upstairs to see the reverend. and he asked to address the class and the class consists of boys and girls, of course, teenagers. and he said to the boys, your fathers are all going forward it fight the british. and you're here, you can really help out. i've got plenty of weapons downstairs. if you come with me, if you volunteer to come with me and come do