. >> i'm david fran and we paid the moving expenses and the notice has been served fairly recently. the 60 days hasn't expired yet. i would imagine it's still under the rent board's jurisdiction. there is no unlawful retainer filed. negotiations can incur at any time. i don't think that would be cutoff with the permit. that's all we have to say. >> thank you. >> don't leave yet. mr. adil shaikh, the pell on -- appellant or the requester said that you promised them a year. is that correct? >> my understanding is that i said in a letter that i would wait years before i actually started the project. it was at one time in a telephone phone call that marilyn mentioned to me that when you do get ready to move forward do you know that you have to compensate us and that a year is required. i have never done a demolition in my life. i didn't know what the legal formalities were. i waited a year. if you look at the record, 2011 was when the project was approved, sir. >> the records indicate you picked up the permit in april. where are you with your construction process? do you have a contract