. >> well, it's not me, it's david fromme. i didn't interrupt you. please, don't interrupt me. he was purposefully antagonistic towards the naacp. the question becomes, you know, why was governor romney using the naacp as a prop to have a conversation or to prove a point with conservatives who still don't trust him. because clearly he wasn't there to give a conversation to try to reach out and gain more support among a civil rights conversation. >> that's absolutely false. >> he was there as a prop and he was antagonistic. towards the organization that -- >> absolutely false. >> let him finish and then you can talk. >> sure. but it's false. >> going to the point that john made, it's also from a strategic point untenable. i mean, if you look at these sort of these states, virginia, north carolina, ohio, florida, and you go out west to the nevada, new mexico. it's untenable what's going on whip the republican party, where the cnn poll, 63% of minorities are now breaking for obama. long term, it is suicide what republicans are doing. so what republicans are going to have to do sor