charles and david koch, i understand, contribute to freedom partners, and we have received contributions from freedom partnerrings. so that's, i guess that's the connection. >> host: daniel garzas our guest. libre initiative, libre meaning freedom? >> guest: freedom. free markets, free people, yes. >> host: numbers are up on our screen, republican, democrat and independent. and we've set aside our fourth line this morning for latino voters. we want to hear from as well, and that number is 202-748-8003. marco rubio at the debate on cnbc the other night, want to get your response to what he had to say here. >> we also need to talk about the legal immigration system for permanent residency. today we have a legal immigration system for permanent residency that is largely based on whether or not you have a relative living here. and that's the way my parents came legally in 1956. but in 2015 we have a very different economy. our legal immigration system has to be based on what skills you have, what you can contribute economically and most important of all, whether or not you're coming here to become an american. >> host: daniel garza. >> guest: so i agree in most part with what he i