supposed to save 1 and a half billion dollars in efficiencies of running the two companies together david gelless. does this position the company in a different way to handle a public that's already starting product? >> certainly. and this is something that brian roberts, the ceo of comcast has been working on for several years. if you look back to the rationale of the nbc/universal deal, that was about creating a company that had both content and distribution. this now, you know, pushes the distribution side, but it impasse sizes the future is going to be over the web, not television pipes. >> the web enters a lot of homes via cable television? >> by far, the number 1 source americans. it's their option if they want truly high speed broadband. >> that's the kind of power cable is going to have over what we watch, see, hear and read and their ability to interfere with that connection in the future after 2018, not that far down t the line s problematic, their ability to potentially impose data caps, their ability to, you know, slow down things like netflix and potential competitors, favor their o