i want to thank a new member of my family he was referred to as david goldstein, but i think he goes by another name, and he was instrumental. sydney would get up sometimes,, sometimes at 5:30 am in order to go down to the north theater to meet the people who were installing the seats, and of course, david would be there assisting. he is absolutely remarkable and a real treasure. it may be ironic but here i am standing in a room that is named after my father, and he spent 41 years as the council for the board of education. lasting a lot longer than the judge lost it. but i remembered the night they would come back from the theater after the board of education meeting that sometimes went to one or 12:00 where they would discuss things like flossing, they discussed loyalty, it was really an issue. when i heard tonight this presentation by the tribal group , i was really moved because i remembered the fact that actually here, at the very local level of educators, you deal with the hardest problems and you grapple with them and you listen to them and you try to resolve them. you don't wa