quite as hot as the siberia course because that's the arctic and that's hotter right you know david graber wrote a book about. all the nonsense jobs in the economy and that none of are really necessary and if people said i'm kind of interests are you know they didn't really take it on too seriously but here the covert 1000 virus has proven that most jobs are completely suppressed for us and unnecessary to the economy and they're just there to keep people kind of sedated there's nothing functionally or kind of constructively that they add to the economy and anyway yes we're transferring from lenders to looters ultimately all that the debt from the lenders goes on to the fed's balance sheet so goes on to the population's balance sheet thus. removing any sort of potential for the future that i think a lot of the stuff is instinctively understand because we are still you know animals primordial goop that we came out of and we understand we have an survival instinct and we understand this and i think this is what this paper uprising is about and another headline a staggering number over 18 tril