. >> david hart has a new book. >> he wrote a book a couple years ago called "atheist illusions," where he took a look at some of the -- what they call the angry atheists, people like christopher hitchens, daniel, and richard dawkins and wonder why in this particular moment there was such hostility to religion by public intellectuals, and in this book, he really wants to get aside from the politics of it all and look across the nominations with the experience of god, how people across different faiths understand god as an emotional and spiritual presence in their live, and it's a gorgeous book, an amazing writer, a great stylist of the list, and this is a real opportunity to sit with a major theologian and wonder how god is experienced across faiths, very emotionally true book, spiritually rich, and i think a real eye opener, really pleased about it. >> that's a quick look at the books coming out by yale university press this fall. >> when you write a book, i mean, a lot can go wrong. that's how i approach the world. i mean, i'm somewhat neurotic in the writing and reporting, and a lot