be explained by what is happening at the last major festivals monkeypox from woz lead adviser david haymanlished, among other things, on the pages of the washington post in an interview with an american publication , a doctor of science associated an outbreak of a rare virus with raves that attract perverts from all over the world. well, what kind of evidence in this theory, uh, do we find out from yevgeny tishkovets yevgeny greetings well, what are the scales of the disaster at the moment, good evening alexey vordiev , more than 80,000 people could take part. so far , hundreds of cases are known, but experts are sure that the number will rise. so it all started with small notes on the spreads of newspapers a couple of cases, there are a couple, here people were joking, and remember, with a view, it was also now no one was in the mood for jokes. one after another, outbreaks of monkeypox occur in western europe and last week about the first cases of the disease. they informed the authorities of belgium and france italy germany sweden now they have been added the netherlands denmark-switzerl