lee ann colacioppo is the editor of "the denver post;" david haynes is the editorial page editor for lwaukee journal sentinel" in wisconson; and david bradley is the editor of the "st. joseph news-press" in missouri. missouri is a state that went heavily for donald trump. he won by something like 20 points. what are you hearing from your readers about how he's doing? >> i think people are fairly well satisfied with what donald trump is doing now. i think he's done a lot of things he said he would do. he's made a few misstatements over the last few weeks, but what he's done, i think has been pretty impressive. >> woodruff: lee ann colacioppo, what about your readers in denver around colorado? >> we're getting a lot of really mixed results, mixed phone calls. we've got people calling up really upset, angry with the trump administration, angry with us when we've editorialized in the vein of he's lying, and then we've got a lot of people -- so we're really hearing from both sides. >> woodruff: okay, we've pursue that. david haynes, what about in milwaukee? what are you picking up from you