over here. >> what is your viewpoint on someone like david horowitz? i find it significant when i was having a conversation with bill ayers, i know they used to be friends, colleagues, comrades. >> horvitz is completely broken with all of them. i quote whore with a number in this book and brought as well, to excellent, outstanding former communists who do such great, great work today. few people knew that side, the sts weather underground 60s new left like horowitz and ron. horowitz, destructive generation, radical son. so but, yeah, they saw all of us. and horowitz and ray dosh understand th the difference between old timers, the more orthodox class-based economic-based communist party u.s.a. types and the new left, '60s communist. you have to understand again this cultural marxism, that's where things really change. that's why i beg people on the left don't caricature my argument, don't simplify it. there's this trajectory that goes from 1800 come early 1800s up to today, and people don't just wake up one day and walked out of starbucks and redefine