let's go to david k. johnson. david, this president suddenly is talking about -- you know, he's sending out a lot of signals, including his top two economic advisers, treasury secretary geithner and larry summers to say, that middle class tax cut may not be a fantasy after all. what do you think? >> yes, they've put out some feelers about that, but first of all, i think that, essentially, your first guest is right. it's going to be quite a while. we've hit a low. doesn't appear to be getting a lot worse. and when it recovers, we'll have a real problem with creating jobs, because of the issues that you and i have talked about many times on offshoring and government policies that discourage jobs. the president will have a very tough time trying to pass through any kind of a tax increase that goes to people under a quarter of a million dollars. and you'll notice he backed away when the democrats charged a small surcharge on people above $300,000 to pay for his health care plan. >> i noticed that, but we don't, even in