from the manson family to david karesh and the branch davidians there are similarities and differences. but haven't written about the late 1960's i wanted to learn more. i am 18, 19, 20, growing up now. how do we segue from the chaos of the late 60's into, let's go with ronnie reagan and conservatism? that is sweeping the country in the 70's. what has to happen? five was going to write about the 70's i thought two teams would resonate with readers. one was watergate. i thought there was nothing new i could bring to watergate. whenever there is about that is there. the other was people's temple and what happened in jonestown in guyana. supposedly the prime example in our history of when some charlatan gets a bunch of sheepish followers to do his bidding up to and including killing themselves. don't drink the kool-aid is part of our lexicon. i thought, could there be something in that? i started poking around and learned two things. first, it was not kool-aid. it was a cheap knockoff called flavor aid and as many as one third of the people that died in jonestown did not voluntarily drink